96 Acres Newly Conserved - Just Before New Year
On December 27th, Anne and Robert Stack, along with Otsego Land Trust Staff, gathered to complete the final paperwork to place a conservation easement on their private 96-acre property in Davenport. Anne Stack, in a recent interview with OLT’s recent interview with May Leinhart, Land Protection Program Manager, detailed her reasons for working with the land trust to conserve their property.
“We are putting our 96 acres of woods and fields, wetlands and stream into a conservation easement for many reasons. The primary one is that we want to preserve this beautiful land for the enjoyment of generations to come as well as the benefit of the diverse wildlife whose habitat is continuously threatened by development and the resulting destruction of the natural world.”
Photos are of the Stack Property in Davenport, Anne and Robert Stack on their land, and May Leinhart with Gregory Farmer and Anne and Robert Stack on their closing day.
Anne and Robert purchased their property several decades ago while living in New Jersey as part of a larger family project to find property in Upstate NY. Anne’s brother owns the neighboring farm, and the family has spent many years recreating on these adjoining lands. Anne and Robert feel very strongly about protecting this land for future generations and hope that if they complete a conservation easement, neighbors will be inspired to conserve their land as well.
Their property is a beautiful mix of woodlands, boulders, and rocky outcroppings, as well as intermittent springs and wet areas. Along with the woods, the Stack property boasts 42 acres of prime agricultural soils and upland tributaries that feed into Upper Ouleout Creek.
The Trust's professional staff work with the property owners to conserve their land in perpetuity. OLT staff work with the property owners to identify the key conservation values and draft a legally binding easement that expresses their vision for the land.